Posted by Alan Haynes on December 13, 2019, 7:55 am, in reply to "I. TOLD. YOU. SO....nm"
Glad you're happy K, but there are a lot of unhappy people out there.
This was a truly awful night and I despair at what the majority of people appear to have become in this country.
It’s not like Corbyn was going to drive a Tank flying a huge red flag through Parliament Square with an AK47 over his shoulder; what he proposed was an agenda designed to help very large numbers of people in this country, the NHS, workers rights, environmental protections etc… If people in this country rejected this in favour of an Eton educated narcissist, an inveterate liar, a man who has wilfully evaded scrutiny, then they deserve everything that’s coming to us!
The only saving grace (if you can call it that), is that everything that happens from now on is all due to the Tories.