Re: And if it negatively impacts on the greater good? nm Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on December 14, 2019, 4:17 pm, in reply to "And if it negatively impacts on the greater good? nm"
I think the trouble is that we're debating a lot of what ifs on that; not much change that even if labour had got in could they reverse a lot of the harm that's already done. Particular with a minority and with a majority of behind the scenes MPs rooting for the same things the tories are. Saying they might have made some changes positive is likely untrue, but maybe the negative changes to come might not have happened as fast. However if we believe that parliament is the only way to get positive change were lost already. Now (and before) is the time to start serious agitation, if we don't want the nhs lost, for example. They can try to make the changes they want but if it meant unending civil unrest it probably wouldn't end up happening. Same as anything. They're scared of the public but not while they have it where they want it (fighting with each other and casting blame without taking action). It's the same as it ever was, except the easy path has been shown to be a myth.