Re: And if it negatively impacts on the greater good? nm Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on December 14, 2019, 5:34 pm, in reply to "Re: And if it negatively impacts on the greater good? nm"
Corbyn may have been better if I didn't think he'd just now to every demand by the tories within labour. That's part of what I mean by what ifs. With remaining in the eu, as Chris Rogers pointed out, renationalising would have been near impossible even without a labour minority govt. as an individual he's less objectionable definitely. I still don't think the Tory win shows a majority of the country in favour of the tories. It just means that the gerrymandering has done its job, alongside a lot of disaffected voters who couldn't in good conscience vote for labour when labour doesn't mean corbyn the man but blairite the party. If I had to guess I'd say this was the thing that made them fail so spectacularly (as opposed to the tories winning so spectacularly ).