Re: Off topic - anyone else get a message from Microsoft - 'bin your PC and get a new one?' Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on January 16, 2020, 11:42 am, in reply to "Off topic - anyone else get a message from Microsoft - 'bin your PC and get a new one?'"
Installed Windows 10 last weekend....found that my second hand pc from Jamie's (a charity in Southampton), more than adequate (Jamie's made sure the installation software was on the pc following its last service),...(glad I didn't spend the over £600 for a new pc, monitor and servicing -cancelled order-, at Currys), they have offered to double my RAM for £20 (I'm running a Dell dual core 3i), and fix my video sound tracking issues (if poss.), all for a nominal charge...with these guys local and available why would you buy a new pc? Clearly one of the best projects in the country...I hope that others get access to an organisation like this one.....vital for us "poor plebs".. when I was on basic UC they did all the work on my pc for nothing..