So - recapture the Labour party (is it worth the bother), or a new, genuinely socialist, radicalArchived Message
Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on January 19, 2020, 8:43 am, in reply to "Re: Face palm. Nm"
party, then; such as - ooo, I dunno - The Workers' Party, perhaps...? Some sort of radical reset is needed for the solid tranche of at least potentially left-inclined voters in Britain, since there's literally no Britainwide party that addresses our preferences at the moment. Are we just to be disenfranchised entirely? Isn't deliberately-democracy-preventing FPTP bad enough, without giving up representation altogether? Times have changed irreversibly since the era of mass-membership of powerful trade unions in a now-vanished Britain of heavy industries, which thrust the Labour party into prominence. A new party, which lets Rump-Labour go the way of the libdums, may well be the most realworld practical response; a party which is constructed according to today's changed realities.
Between George G and JC, who's the cannier politician? And especially between George and the set of forgettable, non-boat-rocking, BoDoBJ-grovelling, zio-licking nonentities now vying to replace Corbyn? The Wholly-Forgettable OwenSmithoid chorus, you might call them. Who's most credible, in the sense of who grasps best what works in Brit-pol and what doesn't? Where - and how - to strike the neolibcons so that it damages them most? Who displays best a bit of natural street-fighting talent, to supplement and reinforce JC's inherent, treat-everyone-with-basic-respect decency of spirit?
And yes, of course, in an ideal world, the leading political outfit should be (insert preferred impossiblist political daydream of choice here). But back in the real world, we have the grubby art of the - actually - possible with which to contend.