Re: All States are Police States! We don't SUDDENLY live in a police state Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on April 1, 2020, 8:27 pm, in reply to "Re: All States are Police States! We don't SUDDENLY live in a police state"
Growing dictatorships or crumbling ones tolerate no dissent. Comfortable ones can afford it, because the people can jabber on as much as they like if it doesn't threaten the police state rule and who that supports. When we see more of it it simply means that the state is concerned it might crumble. Otherwise, talk and even protest are largely irrelevant to those at the top and those enforcing. It's not a case of a linear progress toward being a police state but rather the fact that England established the top rule and enforcers long enough ago (by brutality and then by threat and then by law and govt) for dissent to be generally as much bother as a stray ant in your picnic. Occasionally the enforcers make their presence known when the people stir, and generally that's enough to send everyone back to slumber. We're as well trained as they are protected. I agree with ders initial assessment. We have a police state and it only differs from 3rd world version by the wealth and time behind it as to to measures taken to support it . Generally we just have no occassion to notice it.