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    Re: All States are Police States! We don't SUDDENLY live in a police state Archived Message

    Posted by dereklane on April 2, 2020, 1:12 am, in reply to "Re: All States are Police States! We don't SUDDENLY live in a police state"

    Maybe instead of arguing first read a bit deeper.. This is a police state, but it is one that already has the control it needs (until things arise which challenge that control). As a result, you see that stuff surface of or when it needs to. The rest of the time, it doesn't need to. Police states don't arise (in foreign places) just because tyrannical leaders like to torture, kill and punish, but so that those same tyrannical leaders can hold power and wealth. To reduce them to cardboard cutout villains is colonialist (we naturally are better, more enlightened but must be on our guard). They want the same things our elite already have. That is the difference. Go back a few hundred years (or even a hundred, or less if you wish to look elsewhere) and you realise the same brutal police state techniques were mastered here then. That lead to both wealth and physical power via armies and police, law that protected the rich from backlash, and education and media management which passified the population into accepting that misbalance of power and wealth. The police state itself exists as ever, and the structures there still to control the population if needed, because the wealthy are forever fearful of losing that power. It doesn't need exercising, however, till the people make headway with rebellion or uprising. I honestly don't know what there is to debate, except if you wish to maintain the idea that somehow this nation is less violent in its leadership and elite than somewhere like Egypt. Most of the rest of the world knows this to be critically false. Many here see it also, but the authoritarian rule only affects those who rebel. Talking is not rebellion, however, in a comfortable regime, where the vast majority are passive or only good for talking. There have been odd moments across the last 40 years even here where the actions of common people prompted violent rebuke from the state. We're that continuous the police state measures would increase. It's a direct call and response method for an old police state such as this one. Younger and less wealthy and powerful states haven't reached that state of luxury yet, or, they did and it was removed by this nation and others in the quest for resources and control. In the building of a nation, brutality always comes first, and lives under the surface even in times of peace. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

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