"look if this was man-made it's not surprising that it has a high mortality rate..you can't have it both ways...either COVID19 is a genuine threat or it isn't! Yes we are undoubtedly being manipulated but that means we must endeavour to educate people in proper relations with their endocrine systems...esp. re: Homeopathy..simply banging on in a rather unconsidered way about social engineering doesn't address the issue...surely too the instigators have a vaccine themselves (in my opinion COVID19 release was a very deliberate act), you can keep you hydro-whatsits..doesn't surprise me Muz your profile concerning; water molecule clustering, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr Edward Bach et.al has always been low (I would have thought that as vibrational medicine is informed by mantra you would have made a special study of the discipline, also re: Kirlian/Chladni), ..you were not aware that certain homeopaths are succussing viruses*...I am NOT an expert but I am fully aware that it is essential to comprehend the nature of the (so far), unknowns re: #COVID19 for they speak to some truly vital understandings re: science and physics; "physicians who are not themselves physicists treat physicists who are not themselves physicians" this is the situation that confronts us.. https://www.implosionresearch.com/" https://www.facebook.com/MantraMuz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAF1jOF0eFhRzVWMUZtIU5O-qRQRuC8w53B7rmJ65T4oSnegV4vNiQKM3hR5HRMVzZacDmR0sD_Xqcs&hc_ref=ARTomyoOTxfJYZsHS2fhOOSgQGaWlsHdRkE1vsO4yxzhoiMoVnZSs6QG7wu5RSfJQF4&fref=nf
So is it the science or is it the stabilisers such as mercury and (I also believe), aluminium?
*There's some bad science out there for sure but it is surely beholden on one to know what that may be if it is happening in your discipline.