Posted by Raskolnikov
Re: Paul Craig Roberts on George Floyd. Autopsy Results Archived Message
on June 20, 2020, 5:10 pm, in reply to "Paul Craig Roberts on George Floyd. Autopsy Results"
Massively dodgy article by PCR who's definitely showing his "libertarian" side much more often lately. I use libertarian generously as I rather suspect he's a bit further right than that. Just look at this paragraph for example:
When the Minnesota police, who have been falsely charged with George Floyd’s murder, are tried, the jurors will be afraid not to convict. The story is set in stone, and too many powerful interests are committed to it. The police have already been tried and convicted in the media, and the jurors will fear going against public opinion that the media and white liberals have orchestrated. The effect on police morale and commitment will be devastating. Already police are standing down when faced with crimes committed by “people of color.” Blacks are learning that they have immunity from their violent behavior. For the criminal element, protests are profit opportunities. Expect more “peaceful protests.”
"Blacks are learning that they have immunity from their violent behavior." Seriously? Get to ####, Paul.