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    Immune System Response Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on September 23, 2020, 10:40 am, in reply to "Re: Long Covid"

    "New findings from the University of Pennsylvania suggest a mechanism that may explain how viruses can linger. Products of viral infection called defective viral genomes, DVGs for short, which have been known to be involved in triggering an immune response, can also kick off a molecular pathway that keeps infected cells alive, the researchers discovered. The study used a novel technique to examine the presence of DVGs on a cell-by-cell basis to show that DVG-enriched cells had strategies to survive in the face of an immune-system attack.

    "One of the things the field has known for a long time is that DVGs promote persistent infections in tissue culture," said Carolina B. López, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology in Penn's School of Veterinary Medicine. "But the question was, How do you reconcile that with the fact that they're also very immunostimulatory? How can they help clear virus at the same time as they promote persistence? Our work helps explain this apparent paradox.""

    "There are many more examples of how virus infections modulate the immune response, leading to persistent infection. Not surprisingly, many of the processing or regulatory steps that are targets of viral modulation were not even known until it was discovered that they were blocked by virus infection."

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