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    Jonathan Cook - Frankie Boyle: Your new show betrayed Gaza Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on November 23, 2023, 9:41 am, in reply to "Re: Israels " Two State Solution. ""

    21 May 2018
    Previous Message

    Keeping you honest
    There are those who say you, Frankie, are trying to do your best in a tough spot
    from within the corporate media, and therefore we should cut you some
    slack. Certainly, it is good that you have a platform that can reach far larger
    numbers of people than any of us social media activists.

    But that is not a good reason for us to keep quiet. First, we need to keep you
    honest. You slipped up badly in this first episode, both in enthusiastically
    adopting the right's anti-semitism "crisis" narrative and in not making a bigger
    noise about the censorship of your Gaza criticisms. If we don't kick your arse
    over it, no one else will.

    Second, we on the real left have to raise our expectations. Okay, it's good to
    have you on the BBC, but we need to make as much noise as possible when we have
    a chance to remind viewers that you are a one-off, the exception that proves the
    rule; and that even so, you are being censored and doubtless forced to make
    other major compromises on your material to remain on the telly.

    Our job is not to stand loyally by you while you trim your sails. It is to
    challenge you on your compromises and expose the difficulties you face to a
    wider public. That helps to raise awareness of how rarely alternative
    perspectives are available on the BBC, while at the same time deepening our own
    critical thinking.

    The fact that you have blocked so many of us for simply pointing out what should
    have been obvious to you in the first place is a good sign that you do indeed
    need your arse kicked. We'll happily do it again next time you play by the
    establishment's rule book.


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