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    Re: Israels " Two State Solution. " Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on November 23, 2023, 12:43 am, in reply to "Israels " Two State Solution. ""

    Some excellent pointed commentary from FB... on twitter. It remains to be seen if any of this material will be seen on the platform given to him by the BBC. I don't think I've heard a peep from him about Israel/Palestine in the New World Order shows I've watched, and there was only that one joke that Mock the Week pulled:

    'I’ve been studying Israeli Army Martial Arts. I now know 16 ways to kick a Palestinian woman in the back. '

    and the one the beeb apologised for on his behalf:

    'People think that the Middle East is very complex but I have an analogy that sums it up quite well. If you imagine that Palestine is a big cake, well…that cake is being punched to pieces by a very angry Jew.' -

    They let him say this though:

    'Labour have thrown their weight behind a second referendum with the question: leave or remain, which would you like the jews to do.'

    'I think there's a real narrowing of the political range in Britain. I mean, if you hate muslims and jews you've pretty much got no-one to vote for.'

    and lest we forget:

    'Julian Assange was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy, shouting 'resist, resist!' which is quite an ironic thing to shout when you've been accused of rape. There are women watching that in Sweden going 'you've changed your ####ing tune'. Obviously the British press have gone after him in a big way, and it's been interesting to watch the British press try to take the moral high ground about hacking. It's like the pope throwing out his R Kelly CDs. So maybe we should remember what Wikileaks actually did. Wikileaks published information from Chelsea Manning, who's a genuine hero, about American war crimes including footage of an American helicopter killing two journalists. Julian Assange was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize and also got £250 from You've Been Framed. So maybe we should understand him as a guy who's done a lot of terrible, a lot of shitty things no doubt, but has also done one brilliant thing - a bit like Ricky Gervais. Some people say: why didn't he try to escape? He was in the embassy for seven years, apparently because every time his tunnel got to a certain depth he tried to #### it. There are other people who say: what Julian Assange is accused of isn't actually rape, as he's about to discover in prison. Actually he looked so pale, I think his best chance of survival is if an armed robber's semen contains vitamin D.' (from his 'New World Order', season 3 episode 4, broadcast on the beeb)

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