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    Re: Israels " Two State Solution. " Archived Message

    Posted by Mark Doran on November 23, 2023, 10:12 am, in reply to "Re: Israels " Two State Solution. ""

    God. Almighty. I knew Boyle had turned out to be utterly gutless politically, but I had no idea he was so sodding rudderless as well.

    But then, this is just one more example of something I've written about: the way shitty narratives aren't just propagated on BBC News, but are then rubbed in by BBC Comedy. Stuff on the news that isn't true ('hiding in the embassy to avoid rape charges') is taken up and used as the basis of 'hard-hitting political comedy' ('now here is a succession of edgy gags about the guy hiding in the embassy to avoid rape charges') -- and so rapidly becomes 'facts that everyone knows'. As I was saying over and over -- until I realised that absolutely no-one was listening to me -- it is a terrible, terrible thing for the UK that the nation's biggest journalistic employer is also by far the nation's biggest arts and entertainment employer -- with the money arriving strictly on the government's say-so.


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