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    Re: London’s falling Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 23, 2023, 2:03 pm, in reply to "Re: London’s falling"

    This sounds like an essay I wrote almost 50 years ago. I thought Thatcherite neoliberal economic and social policies were ultra-dogmatic, crazy, destabilizing and dangerous, doomed to failure over the longterm. I argued that creating a sovereign wealth fund like Norway and Saudi, was the better alternative, instead of spending it all at once on a giant party. Invest in restructuring and refroming the old industrial economy, don't consume the once in a century bounty from North Sea oil and gas like an alcholoic who's, by accident, given the key too the wine cellar!

    Perhaps I was too scathing and contemptuous in my dismissal and contempt of neoliberalism which had become the holy writ of the entire political and media class. As my father warned me, don't keep telling them they are wrong. But I was young and foolish; and anyway, I wasn't raised to follow middle-class norms of behaviour.

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