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    Re: London’s falling Archived Message

    Posted by johnlilburne on November 23, 2023, 5:05 pm, in reply to "Re: London’s falling"

    Jem Bendell accepts the reality of collapse.

    His book, Breaking Together, which goes into collapse in detail, can be downloaded here for free:

    I am sure he would be delighted if those who can afford it buy the paper copy.

    It is depressing - and in a strange way - exhilarating. Because if one accepts that collapse is inevitable - and indeed may be happening now - the psychological repression that comes with denial is somehow lifted.

    Bendell's thesis is that collapse is already happening - under the following headings: economic, monetary, energy, biosphere, climate, food, societal.

    The elite response to collapse is a default authoritarian one. Of course, even in the absence of collapse, such a position suits their agenda.

    Parts of the populace can be manipulated to accept authoritarianism as long as targets are carefully selected. For example, some people can be persuaded to accept draconian measures against anti-vaxers whilst others can be persuaded to accept such measures against juststopoilers.

    Bendell tries to lay out a pathway - philosophically, psychologically and practically - towards an alternative libertarian response.

    This is only possible with a critical awareness of the state we are in and the way we are being manipulated.

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