I still think Mothers Of The Disappeared to be a weak song. I find Trip Though Your Wire to be quite boring with a weak melody
However the rest is pretty good. Red Hill Mountain Town has a pretty good chorus of "hanging on", In God Country has a good riff, Exit has a pretty epic ending, One Tree Hill is reasonably catchy.
The second half is still weaker than the first half with me believing that the first half to be a great album while the second half to be merely very good.
I sort of thinking that the Borderline Hex B/Hex C I said earlier is now upgraded to a borderline Hex C/Hex D
Should I upgrade the rating to a Hex D? Ah the dilemmas of compulsive categorisation
I think Zooropa and October to be more consistent and better album than Joshua Tree but whether that difference is between a solid Hex D to a weak Hex D or a solid Hex D to a strong Hex C is difficult to determine