He is very much my guard dog. AND HE LOVES ME. If something happens to me ..... 'nough said. Boy and I have talked. I think he was trained to be a hunting dog? I'm not sure. He loves men - be it the Power company fiber installer, the two UPS guys, Fed ex guy, etc. My regular UPS guy gives him small bone treats. I can't have Charlie out if I open the gate.. so he doesn't interact with them often.
By is rarely here anymore. But if he is Charlie goes APE - over him. I am ignored and Boy uses his training for his small dogs to train Charlie his way and I go nuts telling him to stop - Boy knows Charlies commands but refuses to use them. ARRGH!!!!
Ok that's it for my Charlie update. We go out 4 or 5 times a day depending on if he needs the extra two trips.
He gets his two pain pills at 7am and 7pm every day and his Glucosomine in the morning. He no longer gives me a problem taking them. But I do have to hold his mouth open and drop them in to the back of his throat. Sometimes I have to poke them down... he is pretty good about them most of the time.. but it took a while. His tongue is really very agile. ROFLOL!!!
He is very hard to manage with his hip issue. He HAS to run. With my neck it is impossible to control him. With the heat at 108 or higher (110) I can't have him outside more then a bit. At least I have trees. Then there are deer - or loose dogs or people walking down our hill, or up - on bikes and motorcycles now drive him crazy - especially since he has started his pain pills.
I have to let him out more to pee. I have to walk him to do #2. Or rather run. Afternoons are bad, really bad. My bedroom is faces west so after 2 pm till the sun goes behind the trees... my house heats up to over 80+. It's awful. Sometimes I pat his face and bottoms of his paws and head with a wet washcloth. He pants desperatly.
Well, this location is a bit difference. We go out at no earlier then before sunrise.. more at first light. But we are always up at 5am now - he eats a small amt of dry food with a tblspoon of canned.
I upped the canned due to his meds to 2 or 3 times a day.
Right now Charlie is huffing at cars or trucks driving up and down the hill. Motorcycles or bicycles drive him crazy. People on foot also.
There are some runners and walkers early and they have learned to ignore him. Good for them.
I am going to the Community Ctr to play cards today - haven't been for almost two weeks. I hope thehouse stays cool while I am gone. I am having to move my fans around for cooling some rooms. I think I need a new box fan. Oh well.
I hope you can stay cool. Good Luck!
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)