I've always wanted to go to Milwaukee race. Sort of on the bucket list. I think I've asked Chicago Jon to go with me. I think he's been to that race before.
I don't know if you are aware of this, but Belle Isle was always a City of Detroit park, and with the exception of race weekend it wasn't really a place to be. It once had a yacht club and marina which closed under the City of Detroit. A zoo that closed under the City of Detroit, an Aquarium that featured fish found in the Great Lake system which the Detroit River is part of which also closed, and I'm sure I'm missing a few things that closed, but you get the idea. Under the City of Detroit's bankruptcy our govenor sort of force the City of Detroit to turn over Belle Isle to the State of Michigan and now it's a state park. Now at the beginning of the bridge to get over to the island there's a toll booth, and you either pay like $7 or have a State of Michigan Park Pass to get to the island. The island did a turn around literally over night. It's no longer a hang out for the City of Detroit's rif raf, and now it's like a little piece of paradise down on the southside of Detroit. One of the first things they did was post state troopers on the island to start issuing speeding tickets. It was hilarious. All the blacks started calling the local news stations saying the state troopers were racist for pulling them over and giving them speeding tickets for speeding, so the state police sent black state troopers to the island to issue speeding tickets. The aquarium is re-opened, and I hear they're investors interested in re-opening the marina.
Let me know if you decide to come. Maybe we can get tickets together and I'll meet you guys down there.