On December 9th, my house had a mainline blockage with a "backup" of sewage and bilge water on the ground floor. The stench was overwhelming. Even worse with the lassitude of the insurance company. Water mitigation teams were coming in and out of the house. They still are. Floors were stripped. Carpeting ripped up. The lower two-feet of walls were cut-out (mold prevention). A total nightmare!! No kitchen, bathroom or utility room for weeks. Now that I have ventilated, I feel better, but there is "jiggling" in my back again. Why? Because I am eating to darn much out of frustration. Anyway, the bathroom is operational now and so is the kitchen. There is still a lot of renovation to do. But, were are making progress. I'll let you know when I am back on my Cambridge routine. Take care and Happy New Year! |
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