I would like to see the introduction of water access within clubs and the NZACA. We all use 4x4's, and quads ect...... It has benefits thats why we use them. Allowing the use of LBG rigs/ dingy's, yaks to access spots opens up another level of fishing and would HELP those who can not walk so far....... I love the walk, but I also love landing on islands and all sorts to go fishing. You can argue most won't have them, but that is no different to those who don't have a quad.
Times are changing, I think it is worth considering. You want more membership, cater for them.
Not everyone will like this, and purist surfcasters would frown, but it opens up areas that are hard to get to.
Just a thought.
Jase you make very valid points too, I know what you mean and it sounds like a good idea.
You guys have already begun to make big changes, it is a good concept asking the public how they feel and taking all points on board, even when some of us (me) rabbit on........ Yoey is a motivated person and will be an assets within the NZACA. I am looking forward to seeing change.