I never left the club through fear. I left because I moved to the other end of the Island. I always stuck to what I believed in, and some took exception to that. I also had serious restrictions due to my financial situation, and now, sadly that is somewhat even more the case.
That aside, I do support clubs, and would again if I had one that was local. However, with the nearest surfcasting club being 80km away, and the closer ones being game fish clubs only it makes it difficult to be too involved. I will make some enquiries as to whether or not those local clubs have a section that supports the type of fishing I enjoy.
Support within clubs depends on the club and its particular members. In my particular case, some I got on well with. Some I did not. I never asked to be babysat, and always made my own way where I could.
That aside, you answered my question to a point. Thank you.