Yeah, there were loads in London. Apparently five in Glasgow. I'm only familiar with one personally, but I don't go out. And indeed, "cheeky Nandos" is annoying. "Cheeky" anything is annoying, actually. It is a popular chain, however. One of the places I lived in London had a well-worn Nando's refrigerator magnet left over from a previous tenant. It was mostly black people living there. And black people do enjoy chicken to a greater degree than any other race. It goes back at least as far as slavery days when the slaves would get the less desireable foods. So instead of beef, they'd get chicken. Stuff like that. It gets really disgusting when you look at like...intestines and pigs feet and shit like this which are still enjoyed by black Americans today as "soul food". Where was I? Have we covered Nandos? I've never been, by the way. You'll be the first This is Yesterday -- The Message Boarder to patron the establishment, I guess. I pioneer of sorts. Let's check out Tinder. Exchanged a couple of messages with a young Fifer. She looks pretty hot in all of her photos except the last one where she looks like a man. So I suspect that the last one is the most accurate. She's 23, by the way. But I think it's my first match, at least who's replied to me, to show cleavage. She has a Halloween photo here which appears to show pretty big jugs but I suppose that's the nature of many Halloween costumes for women. It's somewhat of an illusion. But, you know, lives in Fife. That's like 50 miles away. Even further than Edinburgh. It's like £20 at least for a train ticket. And I'm sure she won't agree to go out anyway. She probably won't even respond to my latest message. Also recently matched with a 27 year old doctor. Also shows her tits. That's a good sign. Could be a fake profile. Who knows? But I find that things do go better with professional women. Indeed, just about everyone I've met off the internet has been a professional woman. And it's not even that I care about this. But whenever talking to some low-class woman on the internet, it never goes anywhere. They aren't interested. Why would no-class women not be interested? And I say this in the context of classy women being interested. So...the more desireable women are interested and the less desireable women aren't interested. It's the socio-economic equivelent of only hot women with big tits being interested but the fat, non-traditional beauties shunning you. Maybe my intelligence is off-putting to them. I mean, you ever talk to a dumbass? They're not impressed with your wit. They just get angry and defensive about their own intellectual shortcomings. So...there's no answer, really. I don't think dumbing it down is feasible. And frankly, why would I want to? Yes, I guess it would be a broader group of potential dates but...lower quality. I mean, is the guy who's only banging hot chicks with big tits saying, "This is great and all, but every now and again I'd like to fornicate with some unattractive mastadons"? No, he's content to stick with the large-breasted babes. So put in that perspective, it's nothing to be concerned about. I mean think about it. Only classy, well-educated women with good jobs are interested. There are worse problems to have. |
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