I smelled like poop again today. Turns out, my anus was covered in faeces. I had a very abbreviated poop a few days ago and didn't do a great job wiping and I guess it caught up to me. The first sign was an itchy anus this morning. Second sign was smelling like faeces. Third sign was when I wiped, there was a stool on the paper. But then today, I took a decent sized dump. I was wiping for a while and wasn't really getting clean at a fast enough rate so I jumped in the shower and rinsed off. Then I wiped when I got out. So hopefully that worked. Really sick of this job, though. I'm sick of the rude behaviour. I don't want to go in any more. This isn't what I came here for in the first place. Do a limited number of court cases. The only person in the country using "that machine". Being treated like a nuisance. Getting £60/day. This is ridiculous. I need to pass that test so that I can do jobs abroad. I don't know what happened with this Middle Eastern thing. I was getting job offers every week but I kept telling them "no" because I didn't want to do any work until June because I was sorting some technological issues out. They knew this. Then they stopped sending me job offers and when I asked about this, I was told, "There's no work in Rammadan and the summer is slow generally." But are we still in summer? I guess technically. August is summer, I think. But September isn't. How long have I been here? My lady friend suggested that it's been a year. Let's check emails. No, 8 September is when I first moved in. Almost a year then. That's long enough. If it was less than a year, you might think, "What a waste of time and money moving here was". But a year...that's alright. Got to see the culture. My lady friend has asked me a couple of times if I've considered moving back to London. There's really no way. I guess if I was making some big money with these overseas jobs. Let's say I work two weeks a month at £500/day. I could probably live pretty okay at £5000/month. But still...living "okay" at £5000/month? What's the point? I can live in a cheaper city, do the same job, and live high on the hog at £5000/month. Even at £2500/month, I could live the good life in Glasgow. And I was thinking about this overseas work. What it would actually entail if I had a wife and a family. It would mean that I would be away but...not for really extended periods. None of these jobs that I was sent were more than five days, that I saw. So would still be home for weekends. And I wouldn't want to do more than two weeks a month anyway. So it would actually be quite good in terms of quality time and whatnot. Home for weekends and home for two weeks out of the month. I mean think about it. Most Americans don't even get two weeks off in a year. I'd have two weeks off every month. Or put another way, 26 weeks off a month. That's some serious holiday time. And speaking of holidays, I could take as much time off as I want. Don't want to work all summer? I could do that. Compare that to my own upbringing, I didn't see my father much. He would work and often his work required being gone for...I don't know...a couple of days. Then he'd be home but only to sleep. He'd sleep during the day because I guess he worked overnights sometimes. He also drank a lot so he'd be in the bars. Or he'd be drunk at home. It's unfortunate, really. The guy wasted his life. Working, drinking, and sleeping. There's more to life than that. How old was he when he died? Maybe 45? Something like that. So not much older than me. Man, he was in terrible shape too. Big fat guy. I enjoy sleeping but the drinking and working...forget it. It's a waste of time. |
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