FIVE Dreams of the Week. All from one night! I was playing a version of Breakout (the Pong-like video game) but instead of the paddle being on the bottom of the screen, it was in the lower middle. And you couldn't move it all the way left and right, only within this boxed off area. And you could move up and down as well as left and right, unlike the original game. So it required a joystick instead of a paddle. Otherwise, the game was the same. There were a lot of bonus balls, though. And some of the blocks randomly dropped as in Turoid. So it got quite challenging at times with all of these balls and blcoks dropping. But when I woke up, I thought, "How is it possible to get the blocks underneath you since you're above them". But I was still sleepy. I think it's perfectly possible to get them. Still, I'm not sure that this version of Breakout would be particularly popular and it has some design flaws. Second dream. I left my house to get a newspaper. On my way, I was asked to come into some school for some news story. It was an English school. There was a middle aged black man as a student along with normal aged students. I asked the teacher/news presenter if this was normal in England for adults to be educated alongside children. She said that it was. I said in the US they have "adult education" for this sort of situation (i.e. an adult who doesn't graduate from high school doesn't go back to high school, he does adult education). She mocked my pronunciation of "adult" saying, "Well this is England. We don't have add-ult education". I told her to fornicate with herself and left. Then I get home and my mother and sister say that I've just been on the news. I say that I know, I was in some school but I don't want to talk about it. Third dream: I had a build-it-yourself monkey robot kit. It arrived in the mail. My mother thought it was stupid and that I'm too old for monkey robots. I quickly took it to my room and started putting it together. It was surprisingly easy. It was like a sock monkey but hard and robotic inside. It came with default programming and reacted to voice commands so I said "clap hands" and its legs started moving awkwardly. Then I said "walk" or something and it's arms started moving awkwardly. So there was obviously a problem with me putting the arms in the legs socket or a programming issue. So I opened the manual and tried to find the programming to switch the arms and legs commands. My mother came upstairs. I think I Love Lucy was on tv. There was something about I Love Lucy but I can't remember now. Anyway, my mother was surprised that I could put the monkey together but not overly impressed. A voice-command robot monkey would be an awesome invention in real life but it's beyond my capabilities. Fourth dream: it involved my mother's friend. It was quite detailed. We were at the Grand Canyon, I think. Her whole family was there. The part I vaguelly remember is towards the end. We were going to order a pizza but the only place open at this time of night was Playboy Pizza. It was sort of an erotic thing. I was surprised that she was interested in ordering from such a place. I wasn't sure if she understood what the place was. It was something about breasts. You had to show your breasts to order the pizza or you tell the person your bra size or something. So as we're getting close to placing the order, and it's becoming clear what's required, she decides that it's late and we shouldn't order. I was really disappointed. The fifth dream: I was forming a cult and I wanted it to be sexual, of course. So my idea was that women had to perform oral sex on other women and it was based on a breast size hierarchy. So if the woman had bigger breasts than you, you had to lick her pussy. So what happens is the A-cup women are like the drones. They're always licking pussy because everybody's bigger than they are. Then the B, C, even D cup women, they're getting licked and licking others. The bigger you are, the more licking you're receiving and the less you're dishing out. Then at the top, there's a woman with huge tits, fully naked, on a throne, just getting her pussy licked all day by all these women. And because of this, she's able to get these amazing spiritual epiphanies. And she's like that thousand year old part-man, part-worm Emperor God in Dune just sitting there doing nothing except issuing decrees and thinking about the best way to run the universe. There was a role for men but I don't quite remember it. I think you were able to suck anyone's tits. But there was no intercourse and no dick sucking. Those activities may have happened but it wasn't expressly regulated. I woke up thinking, "Man, I'm really on to something with this. This could be a new golden age for society." But as I started to wake up, I realised that cunningulus probably isn't the cure all for the ills of the world. And modeling society on ants probably isn't going to work. |
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