I find this slightly disturbing. I watched the show as a kid and loved it. But this episode was from slightly before my time. By the time I was watching, a new actor was playing the titular clown. He brought a much more friendly dynamic to the character. Everything just seems off in this video. It's familiar yet unfamiliar. Like an alternative universe Bozo. I don't just mean that that white bear is creepy. The whole thing is unsettling. It's interesting yet uncomfortable. The commercials as well. I'm surprised that these episodes are so rare, though. There are no official tapes because the studio just re-used them. But certainly by the 80s, people must have been taping the episodes. There wasn't necessarily some lunatic recording every episode of a kid's show (though there may have been) but surely people who were on the show were taping their episode. There used to be like a ten year waiting list to get into a taping of that show. You'd register when you were pregnant and then bring 10 year old Jimmy to the show. I remember my classmate was in a taping. Her parents taped it and shared the tape with everyone else in the class. My father made a copy of the tape. Then a little while later, he asked if I was going to watch it again and I said, "Probably not" and he said, "No, I don't think so either" so he taped over it. What a bad move that was. I'd love to see it now. We were also on the 25th anniversary show. We won tickets. That was also taped but I don't know if we still have it. We weren't actually seen on camera but I vaguelly remember it. Wait, maybe it was the 30th anniversary. What else is going on in the Legin nation? Well, I better email my lady friend. It's been over a week since she replied. She asked me how long I intend for her to move in. Kind of a weird question. "Hey, you want to move in with me for six months?" She's kind of a weird woman. It's amazing what she doesn't know. I mean stuff that she must have encountered thousands of times in her life. For example, on the Underground, the buttons to open the doors don't work. This is because all the doors open automatically at each stop. I figured this out on my first day of living in London. But I saw her frantically pressing the button. How can she not know that this is fruitless? She's been living in London all of her life. Another example, she always stops for people on the street who are handing out gym memberships or chuggers or whatever. How can she get through life like this? There was a chugger in Glasgow who stopped her and she said, "I'm sorry?" and wanted to know what he wanted. She couldn't figure it out? It's pouring rain and she's there wanting to find out what this man wants. I pushed her and said, "I'm sorry" to the chugger. Then I gave her the business for about 20 minutes for stopping to talk to this chugger. I mean, in London, these chuggers and beggars and gym membership and whatever people are there on every street. How can she get through life stopping to talk to all of these degenerates? Why is she surprised to learn that somebody stopping her on the street is a chugger? It must happen to her EVERY DAY. When will she figure it out? And just a lot of basic social stuff she doesn't know. Like how to behave in places. She's not loud or anything but like she doesn't know where the queue is, stuff like this. Can it be that she has less life experience than I have? I think that's a real possibility. And she sends these weird emails about guys who are coming on to her and in her last email, it's about how her clothes were coming off in public because a button burst. I mean...the clothes one is probably true but I don't find it erotic. But these stories about guys coming on to her...I don't think they're true. I don't know. Maybe they are. I would have to assume that women endure this regularly, though, if it's happening to her. But I always take these stories as she's trying to convey how desireable she is. She also mentions her large buttocks. I mean...is it large? I don't even know. I'm not a buttocks guy. I guess the stereotype is that black women have large buttocks so I assume that she does. But I don't care. I mean, you rub the thing and it's just a cold mass of tissue. This isn't erotic. I mean, I guess I have seen pictures of fat women and their buttocks are all sagging and stretch marks and whatnot. And she doesn't have that. So I'll give her that. It's a firm, large buttocks. But I'm just not into that. Where was I? Bozo. My lady friend's bottom. Anything on Youtube? No. Nothing on tv, of course. I'll play some Team Fortress 2, I guess. My mouse is working at the moment so I have to take advantage. It only sometimes works. The cable connection isn't good. I bought a new cable and it was supposed to come today but it didn't. This will be the third cord for this mouse. I'm trying to keep it going as long as possible. It's a Logitech G9 mouse, considered by many to be the greatest gaming mouse of all time. Manufacture has long since ceased. You can buy one on Amazon for like £300. How much did I pay for mine? About £50. Wow, that was in 2008. I bought my first replacement cable three years ago. So that's not bad, I guess. Lasted as long as the original. Although, I think cables should last more than three years. People say, and certainly the manufacturers say, "Just buy a new mouse. They've made vast improvements since that old piece of crap was released." But I just don't think it's true. Just generally, does craftsmanship go up as the years go on or down? Was stuff made pre-production line of higher quality than stuff today? Of course not. Stuff was made in lower quantities. Handcrafted by artisians. Even eight years ago, I dare say that mice were better constructed. Every day that goes on, these companies are trying to crank out yet more products at yet lower production costs. So the yield goes up and the quality goes down. |
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