I mean, it was nice hanging out with my ladyfriend this past week but it's also nice to be able to relax again. Take a dump whenever the spirit moves me and not have to bother with courtesy flushes. Masturbate for leisure. Play video games. Watch tv that isn't the total crap that dumb women enjoy. And most satisfying of all: kick back and post some messages on This is Yesterday -- The Message Board. It's sweet. What did we do? Oh, we went back to that park to look for Highland cows. We saw some but they were way out in the distance. Some of them did look like the cows on the postcards with their hair in front of their eyes, though. So now my ladyfriend will stop saying "I think these are a different species" and just accept that there exists variation within species. Went to the necropolis in Glasgow too. That was nice. Also got to hear her views on ghosts and whatnot. I mean...I'm not saying I'm a genius. I'm also not saying that my ladyfriend is unintelligent. She's of average intellect. And talking to her, one realises how disappointing talking to the average person can be. Not from a personal point of view but disappointing in the sense of hope for mankind's future. Oh, we also saw Rogue One. It was what you'd expect from a Star Wars film, I guess. The theatre was pretty crap. They only had seven rows of seats and the back four were "premium". So bigger seats that cost more. I don't care about that but the regular seats up front were way too close. So a total scam. And I bet nobody in those premium seats actually paid the premium price. So a bad idea all around. What else? Maybe that was it, I don't know. There was one day that we did nothing. Then another day we planned on going to the transport museum but it was closed. Oh, we went to park after that. Kelvindale or something. They had a big fountain that wasn't on, I guess because it's winter, and some statues and shit. People walking their dogs. People with their kids. Couples. Usual stuff. Then yesterday, we headed to the big city of Edinburgh to check out the Royal Botanic Gardens and the National Museum of Scotland. The Glasow botanical gardens are way better AND FREE. £5 for that relatively small set of greenhouses? No way. Much nicer in Glasgow. Roomier. More places to sit and contemplate. Benches next to a nice big koi pond, for example. And that museum...eh...it was okay. We didn't have enough time to see things, as is often the way with museums. We closed the place down at 5.00. Then we came back to Glasgow and had dinner at a nice Thai place near to my home. Friendly people, good service, food was pretty good. I gave a big £10 tip on a £43 bill. I can afford it. I'm only going to work two days a week for these companies. Once I start getting some semi-steady work directly from solicitors, I'm going to bring this down to zero days a week from the companies. I hate how much they're profitting off of my work. I should have made £10,000 in November. That's what I would have got had I worked direct for the solicitors and that's what the company got but they only sent about £2500 my way. So fuck those parasites. But yeah, my ladyfriend also went grocery shopping with me and she bought A LOT of sweets. I understand why she gets so big. She was probably at the heaviest I've ever seen her. She bought maybe 15 items and 10 of them were cakes or cookies or sweets or the like. Then when she was leaving today, she took all the stuff that she bought with her, even the refrigerated items. And I had a coupon for 12 free plain Krispy Kreme doughnuts when you buy 12 fancy ones. When she first arrived, I said I was going to use this coupon in January (when the promotion starts) but when I saw how much sweets she bought, I decided against it because she surely had enough food. But then she asked if I'm still going to get the doughnuts. I said, "No, because you've already bought loads of sweets" but she looked disappointed so I agreed to get them. So on the morning when she's leaving, I asked what she wanted. She looked online at the menu and told me six doughnuts that she wanted. I said, "Maybe they won't have those so what else do you want?" and she told me three more options. I go to the Krispy Kreme by myself and get the nine doughnuts she wanted (they were all available) and three that I wanted. I come home and we each eat a doughnut. Oh, I also had the 12 plain doughnuts. So I'm thinking, "How is she going to eat nine doughnuts before she leaves?" She doesn't do that but I ask if she wants to bring the doughnuts with her. She does. I also ask how many plain ones she wants and she says, "Just enough to fill it up. So four." She had so much crap, mostly food (oh, we also went to an American candy shop and she bought loads from there) that she can't possibly get all that stuff home. Then she adds another 12 doughnuts in an unwieldy box to the mix. I helped her get the stuff to the train station but even with the two of us, it was difficult. I told her that she should get a taxi from the train station to her home. I don't think she can even get that stuff off the train in one trip. Anyway, back to relaxing. |
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