Got an email from my ladyfriend. It was in response to an earlier email where I said it would be nice if she moved in with me but that we're probably going to have to move because I don't think this job will last long. She just said, "Understood" in response to that. That might not sound so bad the way that I phrased it. But I wrote a whole long email about the various places we could move to and she says, "Understood." That was two weeks that I got that email. I usually email her at least once a week. But I got to thinking. "What is she bringing to this relationship?" So I replied with "okay". Then today she emails and says, "Was that 'okay' as in 'Am I okay?' or did you send it too early." It was "okay" as a response to her whole email. She talked about her hospital appointment and her co-workers. So...okay. I read what you wrote and I understand what you're saying. You don't like your co-worker who eats the free food at work. Okay. You try to have a meaningful conversation with her and you get the same old crap. I'm not saying that she had to make a decision about whether or not she's going to move. But address it. What are her current views? Would she like to move to the US or not? Or you can talk about whatever you want. You don't have to limit yourself to the mundane. She may just not have deeper layers. What benefit does she bring anyway? I've done everything myself. Nobody helped. Work, moving, relationships, you name it, all 100% my effort. Where are the co-workers who helped me get a better job? I learned about the industry and opportunities therein by myself and as an immigrant. You know, Donald Trump. He's in the news. He's really delivering on his campaign promises. It's remarkable. A billionaire doesn't represent my interests but he is actually keeping the Muslims and the Mexicans out, as he said. One must admire the strength of character. Went to this court yesterday. The solicitor said that he wants the case discharged but the only thing holding it back is that I don't want to drop my counterclaim. He was really indignant about it. So the judge, who I have worked many times with, said, "Well, it all depends if Mr Legin is amenable to that, which presumably he isn't. He wants his day in court." I have those inbreds over a barrel. I'm going to make them run that fraudulent claim. It's two months from now. I don't think I've ever seen somebody withdrawing a claim and the defender insisting that his counterclaim go ahead. No, I take that back. There was a similar case, actually. A scum landlord was suing a tenant. The landlord actually offered to pay 100% of the tenant's counter-claim but the tenant still insisted that the trial go ahead. The judge put an enormous amount of pressure on this tenant to accept the offer and have the case discharged but this guy wasn't having it. He made it clear that he wanted to punish that landlord for raising false claims. It was pretty sweet. Some people don't put up with crap. Whether it be that young man in Dumbarton or a self-made immigrant man like myself. It's just a spark that some people have. Probably more commonly found in the US, what with its immigrant history. Only the courageous emigrated. These stout Germans didn't move to immigrant hotspot New York. They came to the centre of the country. They moved to the middle of nowhere. Started farms. Worked in the factories. I'll tell you who else is a fellow Hoosier and product of German immigrants: heterosexual rocker John Mellencamp. He really captures life in Indiana in his subversively anti-American magnum opus: Pink Houses. Even the video nails it. The covered bridge. The railroads. I lived in a more urban area but I've driven through these small towns many times and it really captures the spirit of these places. |
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