I set my Tinder search range to 100 miles (from 50) because I keep accumulating more "likes" but they're hidden from me. Something is up. Usually, when you expand your search range, the "likes" pop up and you can see how awful they are. Anyway, somebody said that they're in Carlisle/Darlington. So I said, "Wait a minute. Is Darlington really that close?" I looked it up. No. It's about 200 miles away. But yeah, Carlisle is within 100 miles. Is it the northern most English city or the southern most Scottish city? The former. Let me see Carlisle to Darlington then. Yeah, 80 miles. I don't know why this woman lives in two towns that aren't terribly close to one another. Looking at this map, I'm pretty far north. I can't determine relative north compared to where I lived in the US, though. Google did this "amazing" thing recently where their Maps service is now a globe instead of a map. And with no lines of longitude or latitude, it's useless for these purposes. Oh. I got it back to map mode. I must have pressed something before. Yeah, it's definitely further north. All of the UK is further north than anywhere in the US. That can't be right. Let me check the coordinates on Wikipedia. I'll be damned. I guess that's right. But...how come it gets so much colder in the northern half of the US then? Copenhagen seems to be on the same latitude too. And Moscow. That's weird. Why is it so mild here? The wonders of the universe. Anyway, I've been eating some of that granola cereal again and it's working a treat. Also I get this jalepeno bread and that also seems to create a lot of stool. Nothing bloody, though. You might think with the jalepenos but it's not particularly spicy. It just has a bit of a kick to it. I had somebody pay me for only half of a job recently. They were supposed to pay for all of it because the other side told me that they weren't responsible, and they're probably right. So this goes on top of my huge pile of scumbags who aren't paying that I have to deal with. I'm so sick of it. I'm thinking of hiring somebody to make these phone calls and chase up deadbeats. A lot of these are small sums, as is the case in this most recent example, and these are fairly well-off people but they don't like paying. I filed a lawsuit against one of these scumbags recently. I shouldn't have to do this. Just pay. So maybe there's somebody desperate for work who would be willing to make these phone calls and emails. It might be four hours worth of work. But you'd have to do it...let's say...once a month. Would somebody be willing to do 4 hours of work once a month? I guess I'd pay...£10/hour seems about right. But is it worth £40 to me? I don't know. Personal assistant. That's the job title. And I did read something not long ago about some online personal assistants who have a bunch of clients and only work a few hours a week or month. So maybe look into it. |
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