No communication with engine ECU using VAG COM diagnostics. Connecting to other ECU’s ok.
Other ECU’s report connection problem with engine ECU.
I am thinking that the ECU has failed in some way due to the fact that the malfunction light is not coming on with the ignition.
But it does come on when running through output tests on dash ECU.
No volts to injectors and fuel pump relay not coming on when cranked.
I have checked all lives and earths at ECU and all ok.
I have checked the can bus signals from engine ecu to dash insert by disconnecting ABS and dash ECU's and probing into the multi plug behind the dash. Getting a signal on both high and low signals. Both signals adding to 5v
The immobilizer symbol on the dash comes on when ignition turned on and goes off after a few seconds.
I am sending the engine ECU for testing Monday morning so hopefully will get a report back on Tuesday or Wednesday.
The only thing I want to do Monday is just check crankshaft signal. But the fact that mill not on with ignition is suggesting problem with one of the ECU's as I assume signal to turn light on and on is sent by CAN BUS.
Best wishes
Peter Cooper
Peter Cooper
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