We need to try it again in the morning, however having done everything posted above, we decided to get another MAP sensor and try it, although the indications I had were that the original one was OK. During the changing of this for the original one, I noticed a small split in the ruber Vac pipe at the very back near the bulkhead. While I had applied vacuum to this pipe previously and it held vaccum OK, when the pipe is attached to the inlet manifold, it lies in a different position from that when it was tested and although the pipe didnt show any loss along with the sensor, when the pipe is in its 'normal' position, it is under a small amount of tension which slightly opens the split in the rubber connection, not by much, however I suspect it is enough to slow down the reaction of the MAP sensor to the Vacuum drop under accelleration particularly when the engine is cold, which in theory would be enough for it to go weak for the couple of miliseconds where the car has the miss we have been chasing it seems like for ever.
Hopefully a road test from cold again in the morning, will prove that its OK and we can wave it a tearfull farewell!!! I will let you all know if this is the case once we have tried it. Meanwhile thanks to everyone for their contributions, they have been most welcome.
For now the saga continues . . . .
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