Again admitting my lack of knowledge with the Picoscope I did not know what sort of setup to do for capture so I went Automotive/Charging &Starting/Charging Circuits/Current / Volts (12) v I assumed this would give me the best picture setup as I was dealing with current checking the feed & earth side of the O2 sensor. Aside that I was feeling tight at the time of purchase and only went for a 2 channel scope. So I was not able to include the switching side although there is no problem there. I expect that explains why there is so much hash in the picture. I would also love to know what you used to edit the picture to add your cloud box & arrows.
I guess I need to get on a good scope course but training seems to be relentless at the moment and costing the earth as I am booked on a week’s worth at the end of the month with Autologic. The other problem as I get older is trying to make the old grey matter retain it all, but scoping is definitely is one I want to get to grips with.
John Kennard.
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