With Reference to a post further down this page, I posted that Titania sensors worked the opposite way to normal sensors, i,e Low voltage = Rich mixture. High voltage = Lean mixture.
I was corrected and told that on a Astra X20 XEV they work the normal way of high voltage = rich mixture and low voltage = Lean Mixture.
I talked to one of my Diagnostic mates and he said he thought that I was right and they worked the opposite way. ??
Then I talked to Mike W and he said he had seen them work both ways.
I have searched the net and not come up with anything mentioning them working in reverse. They All state that they work the normal way.
Yesterday we got an Astra in ( X18 or Z18 engine ) this had previously had 2 lambda sensors fitted by another garage and the sensor voltage was stuck at 4800MV. this was traced to it running extremely weak and was caused by a pipe that had fallen off the purge cannister solenoid. ( sucking in lots of Air )
After replacing the pipe the car ran perfectly well and the sensor started switch ok. we then squirted contact cleaner into the intake, the emissions went sky high and the sensor voltage dropped to 450 MV.
My Mate also tried it on another Astra a couple of weeks ago to prove the same point.
So Is there any information anywhere that states that these sensors work Both ways. ?? or is it another case of no one really knows and we have to guess and find out for ourselves.