Mondeo 1.8 Duretec HE 2002 CHBA oil burning /emissionsArchived Message
Posted by dave jacko on September 3, 2008, 10:04 am
Car runs fine when driven normal no smoking, have taken car on motorway for 40 mins at 70 to 80 mph avrg 2500-3000 rpm runs great no smoke. at idle emission are
Co 0.02 Co cor 0.02 Co2 15.56 ppm hc 139 vol o2 0.8 lambda 1.028
if i try to do a fast idle test at say 2500 -3000 rpm after about 3 minutes it will completely fill the garage with blue smoke i mean to choking piont. then starts to missfire on cyl 2 and 4 poping and banging in exhaust system. emissions now are
Co 5.75 Co cor 5.75 Co2 10.44 ppm hc 1379 vol o2 0.0 lambda 0.794
will burn around a litre of oil in 30 mins if kept at 2500 rpm (not driving)
has anyone had these symptoms before, or any engine builders know of common failures for excessive oil burning on this model. customer was not aware of any problem until it came in for mot. My suspicions are that the extra temperature stood still is when most of the oil is passing. could this be a head gasket problem rather than rings ? have also disconnected the breather off the cam cover, no difference, have removed oil cap does not seem to be any back pressure.