Re: Jordan Peterson interviews Tommy Robinson, has this been posted? If so, apologies
It might be a bit more helpful instead of unpleasantly mouthing off at me and my posting, explaining how it is that folk like Peterson (and perhaps even Robinson) appeal to many, including now I have to say some members of my own family. I have never liked Peterson, and said so many times on these pages, but whether we like it or not, lots of folk do follow him, in which case, like Tommy Robinson, he's saying things that chime with people's own life experiences and attitudes. I find it strange that England has suffered some serious rioting with some nasty racist motivation and all one can do is imprison them or shut them up, when to my way of thinking there's something deeper going on, like perhaps excessive numbers of immigrants coming to the UK and residents of certain areas in the UK, like Luton, where Robinson comes from ,or the slowly rotting towns in parts of England, finding themselves feeling like the actual displaced people in a failing state? We've had Brexit which has likely been in a major part a vote against unrestricted immigration, yet the powers that be have totally ignored this and immigration is now higher than ever before. The right wing elite allied to the oh so caring left, and may be you, seem not to be listening or paying attention.