Asbestos Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on July 24, 2019, 12:53 pm, in reply to "The toll of illness and death for the 9/11 firefighters"
The history of our response to the asbestos issue is relevant in this regard...and the reason why British legal firms explicitly offer advice for people effected by asbestos even now.....for the response has been piece-meal and inadequate.. I had this conversation with a G.P some years ago.. "You can find it everywhere (asbestos), ...I was in a tower block the other day visiting a family and I saw a pile of asbestos dust in a compromised central heating duct...!" "Wow!" said I.. "Did you report it?" "No" "No"? Well she said so...she did not regard it as her job to report the matter!!! This exemplifies both our problem with asbestos and with the practice of medicine now-a-days, ..screw the cause lets get on with treating the illness (that in this case they can't!), ..I was flabbergasted..