Re: The toll of illness and death for the 9/11 firefighters Archived Message
Posted by margo on July 24, 2019, 3:12 pm, in reply to "The toll of illness and death for the 9/11 firefighters"
Hi Mary, good to see you back here again, by the way. To your question 'was there any radioactivity present'? one finds, in response, data shows significant radioactivity was +not+ present. 'Radioactivity' as a topic linked to the 11-09 event was often promoted by trolls in 911 discussion threads. But according to the US government's own science, tritium and iodine (two significant signatures of nuke-induced radioactivity) were not present in the dust, nor the sediment of the Hudson River. No glass melted either, which would have been another giveaway. Ref: "Hard evidence repudiates the hypothesis that mini nukes were used on the WTC Towers" Dr Steven Jones LINK ----- Rather than radioactivity, what else was overwhemingly present in the finely pulverised dust that's proved to be so carcinogenic and deadly? From memory, after some reading into this a few years back... Why were carbon nano-tubes (CNT) found in the lungs of sick and dying responders? The doctors reported: "The finding of CNT in both WTC dust and lung tissues is unexpected and requires further study". "Case Report: Lung Disease in World Trade Centre Responders Exposed to Dust and Smoke: Carbon Nano-tubes Found in the Lungs of World Trade Center Patients and Dust Samples" By Wu, Gordon, Herbert et al NCBI LINK ----- Also, another paper by scientists S. Jones and Kevin Ryan, published at The Environmentalist took a close look at the carcinogenic airborne and dust-bound anomalies found at Ground Zero. There's a reason people are kept away from demolition sites and people have to wear masks so as not to breathe in the dust. Because the US govt refused to acknowledge that WTC Building 7, at least, was demolished, precautions against pulverised dust weren't timeously taken. LINK extract from "Environmental Anomalies at the WTC: Evidence for Energetic Materials" (2008) Abstract:
Previous Message Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Centre: evidence for energetic materials Kevin R. Ryan / James R. Gourley / Steven E. Jones / Published online: 4 August 2008 Investigators monitoring air quality at the World Trade Center, after the September 11th attacks, found extremely high levels of volatile organic chemicals as well as unusual species that had never been seen before in structure fires. Data collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency indicate striking spikes in levels of benzene, styrene, and several other products of combustion. These spikes occurred on specific dates in October and November 2001, and February 2002. Additionally, data collected by researchers at the University of California Davis showed similar spikes in the levels of sulfur and silicon compounds, and certain metals, in aerosols. To better explain these data, as well as the unusual detection of 1,3-diphenylpropane, the presence of energetic nanocomposites in the pile at Ground Zero is hypothesized Conclusion:
Previous Message The presence of energetic materials, specifically energetic nano-composites, at Ground Zero, has the potential to explain much of the unusual environmental data seen at the WTC. Thermite, discussed briefly above, is such a pyrotechnic mixture that cannot be easily extinguished and is a common component of energetic nano-composites. Unusually high detections of sulfur, silicon, aluminum, copper, nickel, iron, barium, and vanadium might all be explained by physical release of materials from such energetic nano-composites. Additionally, the detection of 1,3-DPP at the WTC supports this hypothesis. Finally, the spikes in VOCs,detected by EPA on specific dates, are more readily explained as a result of short-lived, violent fires caused by energetic materials. Environmental Protection Agency whistle-blower Dr Cate Jenkins was fired from job as chemist after accusing EPA of deliberately covering up dangers of the 9/11 wreckage dust. She was quietly re-instated years later after many legal battles.