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    Re: The toll of illness and death for the 9/11 firefighters Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on July 24, 2019, 4:35 pm, in reply to "Re: The toll of illness and death for the 9/11 firefighters"

    Thanks all.

    It was the mention of thyroid cancer that caught my eye having contracted the disease myself five years ago. The consultant who performed my surgery maintains that the cause is environmental and said he is dealing with an epidemic of it including some local doctors as patients.

    We used to live very near a factory that produced radio pharmacy products. That factory is now in German ownership.

    I have also led an active outdoor life over the years, including gardening, walking with dogs, etc so who knows what emissions/particles came my way from the Windscale fire (renamed Sellafield) or Chernobyl or the like. Of course I will never know the cause but I have no familial or hereditary history of the disease or goitre. (causes listed below) I have always eaten mainly fish and hardly ever meat.

    'The cause of thyroid cancer is unknown, but certain risk factors have been identified and include a family history of goiter, exposure to high levels of radiation, and certain hereditary syndromes. ... Surgery is the most common form of treatment for thyroid cancer that has not spread to other areas of the body.'

    I think of the poor souls who 'cleaned up'after Chernobyl and Fukushima. Some of those who live near Fukushima work on the sea from which they derive fish in their diets.

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