Wow that's is some weapons grade bullshit. Archived Message
Posted by Raskolnikov on July 26, 2019, 8:06 am, in reply to "Re: Love the way he slips obediently into whoring mode at the end. So ironically true! :) NOM"
Our children and grandchildren will be living longer, happier and healthier lives. Yours, and those of your cabinet and donors, might well be but everyone else's? I don't think so. ..will no longer make any contribution whatsoever to the destruction of our precious planet, brought about by carbon emissions... Perhaps because we will have no industries making anything? We will have the free ports to revitalise our coastal communities Really? That's all they needed is it Boris? "Free" ports. What a load. a bio-science sector liberated from anti-genetic modification rules Uhoh. I do not like the sound of that. Sounds like he's bending over and calling Monsanto to come and get it. and satellite and earth observation systems that are the envy of the world What the actual #### is he talking about? Even if it were true, how does that benefit normal people? The whole thing is basically "Jet Packs and flying cards for all in the future". A suitably fantastic (in the original sense of the word) start for a PM who seemingly is incapable of speaking the truth.