Re: Wow that's is some weapons grade bullshit. Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on July 26, 2019, 9:07 am, in reply to "Re: Wow that's is some weapons grade bullshit."
Funny he didn't say anything about the weapons bit either! the question is not just who wrote it, but whether either of them believed in this total fantasy land, a future symbolised by the jet-man coming down half way across the channel. That is a journey that is no use if it doesn't reach the target, but also one where there is no conceivable way to power such a device with electricity. Didn't Mark Sedwill have something to do with Skripal? Yes I remember, an article I wrote following Elena Evdokimova's discoveries on the Petrov Boshirov case: Sedwill had a presser on May 1st, declaring there was no evidence on who was responsible for the Skripal poisoning, and two days later the police went to the East london hotel to take samples!