Re: Documentary: "The Great Hack" about Cambridge Analytica features Carole Cadwalladr Archived Message
Posted by Raskolnikov on August 4, 2019, 10:35 am, in reply to "Documentary: "The Great Hack" about Cambridge Analytica features Carole Cadwalladr"
I watched this on Friday and am not sure what to make of it. It seemed to be a form of limited hangout where the fact that Cambridge Analytica has folded (presumably to avoid further scrutiny) can serve as a convenient repository for all kinds of blame. Not that they don't deserve it of course, but the wider problems of surveillance capitalism were not deeply examined. The idea of personal information being sold as a commodity (behavioural surplus, free services make the customer the produce, etc.) were mentioned only briefly. There was a small strand looking at Facebook and Zuckerbeg's testimony to the parliamentary committee but they didn't really go deeper than that. Then of course they have Cadwallader throwing "Russia" around without any challenege, or evidence come to that. Also, Brittany Kaiser is a deeply dodgy, unpleasant character. They've worked in some pretty high-profile positions for someone with no real discernible talent and I wouldn't be surprised to find out she has some spook connections. She's also clearly expecting to be hailed as a whistle blower whereas she's actually seems to be just saving her own arse, and liberal credentials, after being totally complicit in the wrong doing of C.A. I might need to watch it again with a more critical eye.