Re: Documentary: "The Great Hack" about Cambridge Analytica features Carole Cadwalladr Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on August 5, 2019, 10:21 am, in reply to "Re: Documentary: "The Great Hack" about Cambridge Analytica features Carole Cadwalladr"
"It seemed to be a form of limited hangout where the fact that Cambridge Analytica has folded (presumably to avoid further scrutiny) can serve as a convenient repository for all kinds of blame. Not that they don't deserve it of course, but the wider problems of surveillance capitalism were not deeply examined" This surprises you? "Compartmentalise, isolate and discard" with a cheery laugh and a; "whoops" as baby heads down the would be better they didn't posture their liberal pretensions but there ain't no stopping some people! The tax-payer funds people do such work..their called, "the security services" it's downright irritating to be charged twice for the same job...!