Re: Documentary: "The Great Hack" about Cambridge Analytica features Carole Cadwalladr Archived Message
Posted by margo on August 4, 2019, 1:20 pm, in reply to "Re: Documentary: "The Great Hack" about Cambridge Analytica features Carole Cadwalladr"
Of course, this documentary is good that it exposes - in a limited way - that surveillance capitalism is antagonistic to freedom and democracy. But is Carole Cadwalladr trustworthy? She was apparently linked with mil propaganda outfit "Integrity Initiative". She's quoted "Bellingcat" as a good news source, which speaks volumes, as reported in an Off-Guardian article. She's written screeds about Skripal, Novichok and Russians. Once media functionaries have this kind of track record, anything they touch could be questioned. Having Cadwalladr as the 'investigative hero' of the Cambridge Analytica exposure, kind of helpfully cleans/ renovates her image as a fearless journalist on the side of truth. She won the Orwell Prize for political journalism in June 2018 (for her work "on the impact of big data on the EU Referendum and the 2016 US presidential election").