Embedded on the Frontline... Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on August 5, 2019, 2:29 pm, in reply to "Re: Documentary: "The Great Hack" about Cambridge Analytica features Carole Cadwalladr"
was perhaps the article you were thinking of Margo! Cadwalladr may not be directly linked to the II, now OIP and may be just a useful idiot, but her appearances at the Frontline club or association with other approved journos and organs, like the GuarDian, makes her suspect. My own gripe was the way that Cadwalladr was picked up and lauded as a brave journo standing up to male techheads - by the very people who won't believe what I say about Russia or the rest, but who I work with on Climate issues. I never got a single reaction from the group I wrote the article about. not one. https://off-guardian.org/2019/05/04/embedded-on-the-frontline-carole-cadwalladr-and-osi/