Er - no: Some genuine lone loonies, some psyops/f-fs has always been my take. The job is to sort out Archived Message
Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on August 6, 2019, 8:51 am, in reply to "So you're rowing back, RG?"
into which category the latest atrocity seems to fit. For example, I'd say its pretty well beyond much dispute by now that the 'lone loony Oswald' canard around the JFK assassination has been comprehensively junked by the dissident information-diggers. Otoh, this latest Texas event seems to be giving off initial vibes, anyway, which suggest a genuine lone loony outburst - though it's typical of these incidents that you have to wait a while and see what trickles out; especially the dissident eye-witness accounts which don't match the official story, but which get initial airings in the feeding-frenzy of early reporter activity, before the machine has time to suppress them - at least from the lamestream. There were several of those in the Hebdo event - which I think was a psyop - and on the spot from downtown Manhattan on the morning of 11/9/01 (which obviously, by now, was also); these being just a couple of examples of many awkward eye-witness testimonies which refuse to fit the official fairy-tales. For we mere common-shlub online onlookers to the news of the great world, Scrabb, sorting out what really happened is largely a matter of patience, waiting for things to come out in the backwash; and at the same time doing that always difficult trick of keeping a meticulously open mind, even while we're all being breathlessly stampeded to join the manipulators' artificially-generated gadarene rush to judgement and blame-assignation: "It was this nut Oswald with a [useless] Mannlicher rifle!" or "It was [dead within 5 months] Osama in a cave!" Usually announced authoritatively, using unidentified 'sources' of course - without any evidence presented - within a day or so. Also Scrabb, I suspect - note the cautious verb! - that there's a third cross-boundary category of such violent events: where there's a steady crop of anomie-buggered young men who are highly likely to lean towards some such violent display, and who are deliberately left loose and likely to strike, even when they're riskiness has been identified; LIHOP, as some of the 11/9 volunteer investigators have acronymed it. I think this may be done because it suits the ptb - in the Western empire, anyway - to have a steady trickle of such spontaneous events keeping the common populace in a state of stampeded fear. 'Leaders' always appreciate such conditions, because it causes rattled commoners to fall in behind the leadership, without asking too many awkward questions. It's a well-observed Anglozionst-imperial posture at the moment, often described as the 'strategy of chaos'. And why go to the trouble and risk of organising such atrocities, when you have a perennial crop of young testosterone-loonies always to hand to do it for you, spontaneously? (Though often enough with added entrapment encouragement by the FBI/CIA) If all that's rowing back, Scrabb, then - guilty as charged, though I'd describe it as letting raw facts evolve your estimate, as they come in. But I ain't changed position... Cheers bro! PS: Jim K bills himself as 'conspiracy-allergic', so he's - wilfully - behind the curve when it comes to identifying the real ones. He's particularly sensitive about the idea of 11/9 being an inside job, with the zionistani gics being amongst the main organisers. Got my head bitten off in an email conversation with Jim about that! I think that's because, though not noticeably zionist, he is jewish-American, and has some of the inevitable, natural apprehensions that that implies. Otoh, he's a pretty damned good observer of social trends and events generally in the US, and wittily amusing with it, so always worth a listen. The way he describes it in the linked piece rings very true to me.