Re: And here's Kit Knightly at Off-G with some more red-hot-relevant information - Archived Message
Posted by Jackie on August 6, 2019, 1:17 pm, in reply to "And here's Kit Knightly at Off-G with some more red-hot-relevant information -"
I don't like censorship. I'm aware that today it may be against someone I don't want to hear, tomorrow it may be against me or someone I do want to hear. However, I think modern communication technology has created a whole new world. In the past nihilists had to go out and find each other, meet in person, and go to a few outlets to get their tools of destruction. It all took time and a strong will to do it. In the meantime, they had to live in the world and brush up against people living normal lives (working, raising families, sitting on the front steps, etc.). Now a person can live in front of their computer, stewing in their hatred with no end of online material and many many comrades that reinforces and encourages their hatred and psychosis, order food in, etc. And the weapons are so advanced. Young people try out all kinds of thoughts and attitudes as they mature. Now they can become absorbed by and run with the worst of those, often with few family and societal supports to counteract them. I don't know the answer but I think this is a big problem that people of good heart need to address somehow.