Thanks for reply RG. But -- Archived Message
Posted by scrabb on August 6, 2019, 11:44 am, in reply to "And here's Kit Knightly at Off-G with some more red-hot-relevant information -"
-- your position here is a long row back from -- He knows he hasn't a leg to stand on. The dissident evidence about ALL those events Note the ALL in caps. You speak a lot about blind spots, and agreed, we all have them. Has it ever occurred to you that the opposite of a blind spot is to be too ready to accept outlandish conspiracy theories? I'm sure it has. Which, with respect, it strikes me is what you are doing when you talk about ALL these events. Of course we have to be questioning and sceptical (especially about anything the corporate media/state broadcaster tells us) but your default position seems to start off as believing ALL these events are false-flags engineered by the deep state. I think that's as ill-advised and dangerous as thinking none of them are. sursum corda!