Re: More awkward facts on the actual experience of using 'renewable' energy systems - Archived Message
Posted by dovetailjoint on August 7, 2019, 4:35 pm, in reply to "More awkward facts on the actual experience of using 'renewable' energy systems -"
'Renewables' are being pushed politically as a form of propaganda. The propaganda that there's a green fix that'll allow us as a society to have our cake and eat it, as a panacea for all our problems. Questioning this propaganda in polite company, is frowned upon I've found, as usual I find myself as a outsider, an ecentric, a heretic. It seems people have done remarkably little research into the viability of the Green New Deal. I've met so many people who simply can't wait to see the end of the oil, gas and coal era; but where, one ventures, is all that electricity going to come from?