Re: More awkward facts on the actual experience of using 'renewable' energy systems - Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on August 7, 2019, 8:23 pm, in reply to "Re: More awkward facts on the actual experience of using 'renewable' energy systems -"
"'Renewables' are being pushed politically as a form of propaganda. The propaganda that there's a green fix that'll allow us as a society to have our cake and eat it, as a panacea for all our problem" Clearly our current situation requires a whole paradigm shift in order to deal with it....those most in favour of renewables understand this seems to me that you're looking for any excuse to indulge in passive collusion with a eugenicist agenda...have you been inhaling a dodgy strain or something recently? You appear to be in danger of hanging out permanently with the, "extremophiles" (fine for a while as one must keep an open mind but even deep sea vent communities are forced to migration on a regular basis!). Those of us who have worked for decades to try to get the world to shift away from reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear power are not members of some fascist elite. I wonder why you seem to prefer to isolate yourself in your (somewhat grumpy), bubble..Is the U.N the creation of the New World Order hegemony too?