Noted. Sorry, my irony meter wasn't working. Archived Message
Posted by Tomski on November 16, 2019, 7:59 pm, in reply to "You did catch the hob-nail-booted irony, T...? Or am I failing to catch yours? :) NOM"
My excuse: Busy trying to make sense of what has happened. The Bolton fire appeared fiercer that WTC7, true. But it did not last as long since fire-fighters were on the scene relatively quickly, dampening the flames. From memory, the steelwork frame was exposed. That's it. If the building was exposed to fire longer me would have seen the steel beams sagging. No more than that. UK and US codes are quite similar in terms of the factors of safety. The worrying part is that there has been a massive increase in steel construction in the UK in the last 30 odd years, thriving on cutting costs. Changing the cladding material specification is substantial part of that cost-cutting. Yes, you had me on the back-foot : )