Re: Oh I've nothing to say in defence of chuck-em-up cowboys. dedicated to cost-cutting before all else. Archived Message
Posted by Tomski on November 19, 2019, 9:28 am, in reply to "Re: Oh I've nothing to say in defence of chuck-em-up cowboys. dedicated to cost-cutting before all else."
Cheers. I suspected you meant that. Generally speaking, high pressure laminates are fine as such. The material specification and intended use is the key. Flammability, chemical composition (re toxicity) thickness, testing procedures and finally framing and position within the building all play a role. One problem is that there is an attempt to use these laminates for multi purpose: thermal insulation, weather and fire barrier. If one has loose Building Regulation allowing for designers to self-certify the final design, this results in Grenfell and Bolton incidents since commercial aspect tends to govern. The 'red tape' needs to be put back in place, thus keeping the profit-makers away. Quite simple really. Meanwhile what does one do with the current building stock? Retrofit nation-wide.